Monday, October 31, 2016

Help Me Win This Battle Against Brain Cancer

Hey Everyone...Gina aka Gee Renee here.  As many of you know the devil that old sleuth foot has thrown a weapon at me called Glioblastomia Multiforme IV a.k.a Level 4 Brain Cancer.

Because I KNOW no weapon formed against me shall prosper, I am ready to fight the good fight of faith, by believing in and standing on God's Word and his promises to me.  I will see the prophecy of the Lord fulfilled which stated:

  • I shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord.  
  • That I will see my grandchildren and their children gathered around me.  
  • That with long life has God promised me.

     I BELIEVE GOD, if He said it, He shall bring it to pass. In Jesus' Name!!!!

I'm coming to all of my friends & followers at this time to ask that you continue praying and supporting me in this fight.  My husband Levi Barcourt has created a GOFUNDME campaign to raise money during this time.  We are asking EVERYONE to please share our GOFUNDME link with everyone that they know.

Below is a flyer that you can also print and post offline.

Please watch our GOFUNDME video as Levi explains our journey thus far with GBM4.  Continue praying and if you are led, feel free to join my prayer and support group on Facebook where over 350 others have come in agreement to pray and lift me up at this time.  The group's link is:

Thank you so much for your love and support, they are sustaining us in this season.

Peace & Blessings,
Levi & Gina Barcourt
Email Us Here



Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Prophet Brian Carn's Prophetic Updates As of October 25, 2016

Watch this Video Of Updates From Prophet's Carn's October 25, 2016 Clarion Call

  • Pray for San Diego, CA & Pray Against Earthquakes
  • Pray World War 3, it's about to happen
  • A major shock is coming by December
  • Confirmation: The baseball team with the bird will fly towards the World Series, but when that team loses the winner will be revealed. Prophet Carn believes Clevland will win the World Series
  • Pray For Bill Cosby....keep him before the Lord
  • Pray for New York....He sees a protest coming...Pray that all protests, attacks, plans of the enemy be rebuked.
  • An Emergency Landing of a plan will soon be in the news.  As we travel, cover your planes with the Blood Of Jesus
  • Whoever is going to be the next President, there's going to be a lot of death threats
  • At the 48 Hours Of Prayers 
  • Church Laws & Charity Tax Laws are getting ready to change
  • Another Oil spill has been seen, but this one will be close to land....Pray
  • In November a lot of intrigue and  so much controversy. History is going to be made, 
  • Bomb threats,  School confusion & Supernatural chaos
  • In December a major court case or legal proceeding is going to be challenged
  • Pray for San Diego....come against earthquakes 
  • By or before February, A major car pile up, dozens and dozen and dozens of cars will be involved. It will be on the news and probably because of pray
  • CONFIRMATION....The election is the rigged, this is the most confused election we've ever had.  The voting process is going to be manipulated.  The Lord said that something that happen with Bush and Gore, is going to happened this time.
  • The states of Florida and Texas will have major stakes that have to do with this election
  • Pray for Hilary, She is sick and needs prayer
  • Somebody from the Motown Era is about to say "Bye Bye"
  • He sees fires and cars being flipped over.
  • He sees violents in the streets, police in riot gear, signs being held up.
  • He sees all of America crying..a sudden attack comes at the last minute and people are crying.
  • He saw something about the Holocaust

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Friday, October 14, 2016

What Is #RedLevive Juice And WHY ARE PEOPLE All Over The World Drinking It

What Is #RedLevive Juice And WHY ARE PEOPLE All Over The World Drinking It? The answers are below........

Order Some TODAY

Red Levive is my #ArdyssLife flagship nutritional product.  It's one of the best ways to revive your body. This natural, yet powerful and nutritious product leverages synergetic action in your body slowing your body's aging process.

Where does this juice come from? Le’Vive Juice comes from the 5 most powerful (Super Fruits) berries on earth:

Pomegranate - (Egypt & Asia). One of the oldest fruits known to man. Rich in vitamins A, B & C, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, sodium and fiber.

Goji - (Himalayas – Tibet, Mongolia). Considered miraculous since ancient times. Rich in polysaccharides; with 18 amino acids, vitamins A, B, C & E, 21 minerals, proteins, fiber and Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils.

Acai Berry - (Amazon Brazil). Legendary fruit from the Amazon that contains 10 to 33 times more antioxidants than grapes used for red wine.

Noni - (Polynesian Islands, India). Used as a medicinal plant for thousands of years to cure different conditions. Contains polysaccharide-based nutrients, organic acids, vitamins and minerals.

Mangosteen – (Thailand). An Asian native that has caused a commotion with its splended flavor. Known as the “Queen of Fruits”, possesses high levels of xanthones.

Health Benefits 

√Decrease the levels of harmful free radicals, which cause aging
√Keep your skin and hair healthy
√Help fight fungus, virus and bacterias
Increase your energy level
√Help you feel and look younger
√Help maintain a healthy blood pressure
√Help control blood sugar levels
√Lose weight √Sleep better
√Improve your vision
√Enhances your sex drive
√Improve your digestion
√Help with gastritis, reflux and ulcers
√Help maintain a normal cholesterol level
√Help improve your memory
√Control inflammation and arthritis
√Keep your joints flexible and healthy
√Maintain and overall state of good health

Recommended Dosage: 2 oz. 1-3 times

Visit my website, call me or email me to order some Red Levive today!!! Ask me about how you can get it at a discount!

An Appointment With Ardyss WILL Change Your Life

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Saturday, October 8, 2016

PROPHET BRIAN CARN Prophesied on 11-25-15 About Donald Trump Coming Out Of The Race


"Something is going to happen in this election that has never happened before. This election is going to be manipulated if the Saints don't pray."

Around the 14-minute mark of the video below Prophet Carn says that "Donald Trump is going to say something that is going to kill his influence in the election and he is going to slowly come out of the race."

Prophet Brian Carn is a true Man Of God. God hashis ear, and trusts Prophet Carn to be bold enough to say whatever God tells him to, no matter what.

Prophet Carn pastors Kingdom City Church in both Charlotte, NC and Jacksonville, FL.
Check out his ministry website at and follow him on social media @ProphetCarn.

Thanks for checking out my blog, I'll see you in my next post.

Be Blessed,
Gina aka Gee Renee

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