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(please pause the blog's music video on the right------>)
Do you get bored, sleepy or distracted in prayer? Do you find it difficult to focus and really "press into God" during your daily prayer time? Well, if you do, don't feel bad, you're not alone. At least 90% of the Born-Again Christians I know would say, praying for at least 1 hour a day is one of the biggest challenges of their Christian walk.
This video will show you how you can learn to pray for 1 hour straight each and every day. I have been using the techniques in this video for years, and they have really helped to strengthen my prayer life. I have learned how to tap a realm in God where, I am able to clearly hear His Voice. I am able to engage in intercession, spiritual warfare, travail and birthing.
After watching this video check out my video entitled I Pray Daily For 1 Hour Straight w/ Prophet Brian Carn's Prayer Video See How You Can Too. In that video you'll get a chance to witness one of my actual prayer sessions. You will see an actual demonstration of me praying. You will see all the steps I go through in prayer, beginning with praise and worship, to intercession, travail and ending with prayers of thanksgiving.
In the video, I mention a Prophet Brian Carn's Prayer Video, click HERE to listen to the audio from that video. It's an awesome prayer tool. Listening to it during your prayer time, will help you to focused so you can tap a realm in God where He can reveal His secrets, plans and purpose for your life!
Feel free to connect with me on Facebook and/or Twitter. I'm believing that this information will bless you as much as it has blessed me!
MY FACEBOOK: http://facebook.ginabarcourt
MY TWITTER: @Gee_Renee