Monday, October 31, 2016

Help Me Win This Battle Against Brain Cancer

Hey Everyone...Gina aka Gee Renee here.  As many of you know the devil that old sleuth foot has thrown a weapon at me called Glioblastomia Multiforme IV a.k.a Level 4 Brain Cancer.

Because I KNOW no weapon formed against me shall prosper, I am ready to fight the good fight of faith, by believing in and standing on God's Word and his promises to me.  I will see the prophecy of the Lord fulfilled which stated:

  • I shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord.  
  • That I will see my grandchildren and their children gathered around me.  
  • That with long life has God promised me.

     I BELIEVE GOD, if He said it, He shall bring it to pass. In Jesus' Name!!!!

I'm coming to all of my friends & followers at this time to ask that you continue praying and supporting me in this fight.  My husband Levi Barcourt has created a GOFUNDME campaign to raise money during this time.  We are asking EVERYONE to please share our GOFUNDME link with everyone that they know.

Below is a flyer that you can also print and post offline.

Please watch our GOFUNDME video as Levi explains our journey thus far with GBM4.  Continue praying and if you are led, feel free to join my prayer and support group on Facebook where over 350 others have come in agreement to pray and lift me up at this time.  The group's link is:

Thank you so much for your love and support, they are sustaining us in this season.

Peace & Blessings,
Levi & Gina Barcourt
Email Us Here



Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Prophet Brian Carn's Prophetic Updates As of October 25, 2016

Watch this Video Of Updates From Prophet's Carn's October 25, 2016 Clarion Call

  • Pray for San Diego, CA & Pray Against Earthquakes
  • Pray World War 3, it's about to happen
  • A major shock is coming by December
  • Confirmation: The baseball team with the bird will fly towards the World Series, but when that team loses the winner will be revealed. Prophet Carn believes Clevland will win the World Series
  • Pray For Bill Cosby....keep him before the Lord
  • Pray for New York....He sees a protest coming...Pray that all protests, attacks, plans of the enemy be rebuked.
  • An Emergency Landing of a plan will soon be in the news.  As we travel, cover your planes with the Blood Of Jesus
  • Whoever is going to be the next President, there's going to be a lot of death threats
  • At the 48 Hours Of Prayers 
  • Church Laws & Charity Tax Laws are getting ready to change
  • Another Oil spill has been seen, but this one will be close to land....Pray
  • In November a lot of intrigue and  so much controversy. History is going to be made, 
  • Bomb threats,  School confusion & Supernatural chaos
  • In December a major court case or legal proceeding is going to be challenged
  • Pray for San Diego....come against earthquakes 
  • By or before February, A major car pile up, dozens and dozen and dozens of cars will be involved. It will be on the news and probably because of pray
  • CONFIRMATION....The election is the rigged, this is the most confused election we've ever had.  The voting process is going to be manipulated.  The Lord said that something that happen with Bush and Gore, is going to happened this time.
  • The states of Florida and Texas will have major stakes that have to do with this election
  • Pray for Hilary, She is sick and needs prayer
  • Somebody from the Motown Era is about to say "Bye Bye"
  • He sees fires and cars being flipped over.
  • He sees violents in the streets, police in riot gear, signs being held up.
  • He sees all of America crying..a sudden attack comes at the last minute and people are crying.
  • He saw something about the Holocaust

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Friday, October 14, 2016

What Is #RedLevive Juice And WHY ARE PEOPLE All Over The World Drinking It

What Is #RedLevive Juice And WHY ARE PEOPLE All Over The World Drinking It? The answers are below........

Order Some TODAY

Red Levive is my #ArdyssLife flagship nutritional product.  It's one of the best ways to revive your body. This natural, yet powerful and nutritious product leverages synergetic action in your body slowing your body's aging process.

Where does this juice come from? Le’Vive Juice comes from the 5 most powerful (Super Fruits) berries on earth:

Pomegranate - (Egypt & Asia). One of the oldest fruits known to man. Rich in vitamins A, B & C, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, sodium and fiber.

Goji - (Himalayas – Tibet, Mongolia). Considered miraculous since ancient times. Rich in polysaccharides; with 18 amino acids, vitamins A, B, C & E, 21 minerals, proteins, fiber and Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils.

Acai Berry - (Amazon Brazil). Legendary fruit from the Amazon that contains 10 to 33 times more antioxidants than grapes used for red wine.

Noni - (Polynesian Islands, India). Used as a medicinal plant for thousands of years to cure different conditions. Contains polysaccharide-based nutrients, organic acids, vitamins and minerals.

Mangosteen – (Thailand). An Asian native that has caused a commotion with its splended flavor. Known as the “Queen of Fruits”, possesses high levels of xanthones.

Health Benefits 

√Decrease the levels of harmful free radicals, which cause aging
√Keep your skin and hair healthy
√Help fight fungus, virus and bacterias
Increase your energy level
√Help you feel and look younger
√Help maintain a healthy blood pressure
√Help control blood sugar levels
√Lose weight √Sleep better
√Improve your vision
√Enhances your sex drive
√Improve your digestion
√Help with gastritis, reflux and ulcers
√Help maintain a normal cholesterol level
√Help improve your memory
√Control inflammation and arthritis
√Keep your joints flexible and healthy
√Maintain and overall state of good health

Recommended Dosage: 2 oz. 1-3 times

Visit my website, call me or email me to order some Red Levive today!!! Ask me about how you can get it at a discount!

An Appointment With Ardyss WILL Change Your Life

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Saturday, October 8, 2016

PROPHET BRIAN CARN Prophesied on 11-25-15 About Donald Trump Coming Out Of The Race


"Something is going to happen in this election that has never happened before. This election is going to be manipulated if the Saints don't pray."

Around the 14-minute mark of the video below Prophet Carn says that "Donald Trump is going to say something that is going to kill his influence in the election and he is going to slowly come out of the race."

Prophet Brian Carn is a true Man Of God. God hashis ear, and trusts Prophet Carn to be bold enough to say whatever God tells him to, no matter what.

Prophet Carn pastors Kingdom City Church in both Charlotte, NC and Jacksonville, FL.
Check out his ministry website at and follow him on social media @ProphetCarn.

Thanks for checking out my blog, I'll see you in my next post.

Be Blessed,
Gina aka Gee Renee

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Monday, September 19, 2016

101 Benefits Of Praying In Tongues

I recently received the following from a youtube subscriber named Wendy.
My Name is Wendy, I believe in Christ Jesus and I have been baptized and filled with the Holy I have always wanted to be a prayer warrior. I heard in your message how the devil can get in your head and tell you that you can't do it and you sound stupid and your not as good as everyone else. I know deep down that it is not the truth but it stops me sometimes and has me where I am wondering what other people think...what advice can you give me to help me overcome this feeling, I want all the power that God has for me.. I love to praise him. Can you send me some great praise and worship music? I want to set the atmosphere just right to praise His Might Name.. For He is worthy.

This was my response:
Hi Wendy how are you? Thanks so much for watching my video and for reaching out to me with your questions.   
Yes the devil knows how powerful you are against him when you pray in the spirit.  First of all praying in the spirit builds up your most holy faith. It makes you strong in the spirit realm (Jude 1:20). When you are strong and built up you can more readily fight against the wilds of the devil and do battle in the realms of the spirit.
Also, please remember that our Heavenly Father is a loving God, he will NEVER tell you that "you sound stupid or not as good as everyone else."  So whenever those kinds of negative thoughts come to you....KNOW that it's the devil, the enemy of your soul, trying to stop you from moving into a deeper place in God.  Tell him, "satan the Lord rebukes you and I WILL pray in the spirit"
Here is a list of 101 benefits of praying in the spirit. God needs YOU to pray in the spirit so His kingdom can come and His will can be done on the earth.  Of course the devil doesn't want this to happen so he will keep whispering in your ears so you will be distracted and unfocused in prayer.  You MUST persist so you can do the will of the Father.
This is the worship music playlist that I use to set the atmosphere for my daily prayer time.  As you develop more intimacy with God, you will create your own list of music that helps usher you into His presence. 
After listening and singing the above songs, I begin worshipping & praising God using this video As I'm worshipping and praising I move into prayers of thanksgiving, petition and intercession as I demonstrate in this video here.  After spending about an hour in prayer,  I sit and LISTEN to what I hear God saying to me in my spirit.  These journal entries sometimes become my daily "Words From The Lord." They become my directives, instructions and visionary things that I need to do in life.
Wendy, I pray that this information has helped you in some way. If you have any other questions regarding praying in tongues, please don't hesitate to ask.  
Have a Blessed Day In The Lord and remember to keep praying because "Prayer Changes Everything."
Peace & Blessings,
P.S. Here is additional information that will aid you in praying in tongues

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For Those Seeking Help With Praying In Tongues...I Pray This Helps

Thank you for watching my video on "How to Speak In Tongues: The Baptism of The Holy Spirit". Some have commented that they needed "more help", or "couldn't do it." 

Well I created this post for YOU!!!! This info has helped others who didn't speak in tongues after watching the above video, Prayerfully the info listed here will help.

I've pull together some videos that will help you with understanding the purpose of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Please watch them and also you may want to get this book "A Handbook on Holy Spirit Baptism" by Don Basham

What I've done is created this video showing you how to be filled with the Holy Spirit and How To Speak In Tongues:

Use This Video To Help Set The Mood/Atmosphere for Worship This Will Lead You Into Praying In Tongues:

Use This Video To Pray With Me Daily, Let It Help Strengthen You In How To Pray. Around the 25:20 Mark I Begin Interceding aka Praying In Tongues Only.

In This Video Prophets Brian Carn & Jonathan Ferguson Teach On The Benefits of Praying In Tongues:

This is a teaching by Prophet Jonathan Ferguson teaching on Tongues, Deliverance and Praying In The Spirit:

AFTER YOU'VE REVIEWED & IMPLEMENTED THE INFORMATION LISTED ABOVE....feel free to email me any questions or comments you may have.

Peace & Blessings,
Gina R. Barcourt (Bar-KOO)

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Getting The Help You Need To Get What You Want Out Of Life

With more than 3 BILLION PEOPLE now using the Internet, have you ever wondered why many are still unable to connect with the people or person who can help them achieve their life long goals and to achieve destiny?

I believe it's because they have yet to 'locate their helpers.' Helpers are defined as people and organizations that have the influence, the connections and the resources to 'make things happen' in the lives of others.

Back-in-the-day Oprah Winfrey was known as one of 'the helpers' that every business owner wanted.  It seemed as though anything she touched, endorsed, promoted or even alluded to became successful.   The impact of her influence was known as 'The Oprah Effect.'

Obviously Oprah can not endorse EVERY business owner's idea or product, but I believe God can.  I believe God knows the thoughts and plans that he has for each of his children.  I believe that there are 'helpers' that we each are supposed to connect with who are destined to assist us in fulfilling our God-given purposes.  The question is "How do we find these helpers?"  The answer is....In God.

Only God can or will reveal to you who your 'helpers' are.  So you will have to hear from God as he leads you to who and where you are suppose to connect with.  Unfortunately, many people have never learned how to personally hear from God and therefore have never received a genuine 'Word From The Lord' because they can't hear from Him.

I believe this is not God's will for those of us who consider ourselves to be His children.  I believe God desires to speak to his children clearly, concisely and consistently.  Learning to hear God's voice should be a top priority in the lives of ALL of His children.

Some of the biggest questions many of God's children, ask are: "How can I hear God's Voice?"  "How can I know when God is speaking to me?"  "How can I know God's Will for my life?"

After 40+ years of being one of God's children, I learned that there are a few ways that God will speak to His children. These are some of the ways that God has personally spoken to me over the years:

  1. The Holy Bible
  2. Dreams and Visions
  3. Prophets and Prophetesses
  4. Through His Other Godly Children
If you are at a place in your life where you would love to locate your helpers and begin fulfilling your God-given purpose, then I would encourage you to pray or talk to God and LISTEN as he leads you. He will lead you to the people, places and things that's needed so you can excel in every area of your life.

Thank you for visiting my blog, I look forward to connecting with you further in my next post.

Peace & Blessings,

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Monday, May 16, 2016

Hey Christians...We CAN Judge Others & Here's Why...

I wrote this Facebook note several years ago when a well known bishop's illicit and sinful ways were making headline church-news.  Sadly another 'church-leader' has once again fallen into sexual sins and what was done in the dark is once again coming to the light.

Of course we have many misguided, ignorant and gullible Christians who are ready to once again give this 'leader' a Pass and are making comments like "Like he said God haven't Finished with him yet ,and may be we should not Judge and i thank it between him and God ,he do not need to answer to us ,but to God".  
This comment was made in response to this article from Christian

So I thought this would be a good time to revisit my "Hey Christians...We CAN Judge Others" note, cause apparently so many wrongfully believe that all we are supposed to do is "cover our brother and just pray"   Many sheeples don't even want to hold these so-called leaders accountable for their actions. They are content with going along to get along, while turning a deaf ear and a blind eye to their sinful ways.

So for those who believe "Judge Not So You Won't Be Judge" is the caveat for Christians who continue to sin and are finally exposed.... please read on, Prayerfully, the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened and you will stop perpetrating this religious falsehood to your family, friends and church members.

FACEBOOK NOTE FROM January 20, 2013 "Hey Christians...We CAN Judge Others & Here's Why" (Here are various responses that illustrate how and why we CAN judge as Christians)

A RESPONSE ABOUT JUDGING OTHERS "For the parties believing that Christians "aren't supposed to judge" Paul says in 1 Corinthians 5:11, " not keep company with any man called a brother that is a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one don't even eat."

The bible also tells us to expose darkness - Ephesians 5:11. We are supposed to judge righteously - like our Heavenly Father."

ANOTHER RESPONSE "If I hear "Judge not" from these people that judge everything they want to and when they feel the need to I am going to SCREAM!

If we (Christians) do not judge who-the-heck-is? Many want to quote Matthew 7:1-5 as proof that we shouldn't judge, but yet don't have the full understanding of what those verses are saying.

Matthew 7: 1-5 says: "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

My understanding from Matt 7:1-5 is that Jesus is saying do not judge so that you will not be judged, but to whom is He speaking? He identifies His audience in verse 5 with the words "Thou hypocrite." Jesus is not forbidding Christians to judge (unless He is calling every Christian a hypocrite). "

"He is warning that we will be held accountable for what we know. In other words, if we know enough about sinful behaviors to tell others that it is wrong, then we have no excuse as to why that sin would be present in our lives. As Jesus says in verse 5, we should cast the beam out of our own eye and then we are in position to point out the fault to others.In truth, God does not forbid us to judge, but He sets up conditions wherein we must judge."

A FINAL RESPONSE "The Bible does not forbid Christians to judge, it gives us conditions when we should or shouldn't judge. If you read Matthew 7:1-5, God is warning that we will be held accountable for what we know. So I can't tell someone not to stop lying, if I have trouble with lying. Or I can't tell them to stop committing adultery, if I am cheating on my husband."

John 7:24 says "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment", meaning I can not judge by my will but of the will under the subjection of the Father, God. That's when discernment comes in. What was the purpose of Paul writing letters to the churches? To correct the Christians because they were disobedient and doing wrong. Thus he quotes in 1st Corinthians 5:12 "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?"

So after reading these Bible-based responses from other frustrated and fed-up Christians, I no longer allow people to guilt me into believing that I am wrong for calling out aka judging so-called Church leaders who can't seem to GET DELIVERED and STAY DELIVERED from fornicating and/or adultery.

My final response to those who say "Judge Not So You Are Not Judged" is this:

1st Corinthians 6:3 says "Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!". So for all you 'Judge Not' proponents...if we as Born again Spirit filled Believers are going to one day judge angels, why can't we judge: fornicating pastors, bi-sexual bishops, lying prophets and the SUCH??

Please leave your comments below....I would LOVE to hear your take on this.

Be Blessed

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Friday, March 11, 2016

A Prophetic Word For The Month Of March 2016

Awesome Word Shared By Prophetess Catherine Sykes of the Life Center in Metro Atlanta, GA

The Word For March Starts at around the 25:45 mark

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Saturday, February 6, 2016

What Causes Born-Again Spirt-Filled Believers To Fall For This Lie?

I'm Shocked  & Saddened At The Number Of People Who Profess To Be Spirit-Led Believers Who Have Allowed Themselves To Be Conned By A Brian Carn Impostor.

You'd be surprised how many people reach out to me weekly inquiring about whether the person they have been chatting with on Facebook is the Real Prophet Brian Carn.   Just the fact they think someone as in-demand and busy as Prophet Carn would have time to chat with them is just unconscionable to me.

I mean, I'm probably no where near being as busy as Prophet Carn is, and even I don't have time to chat with all the people reaching out to me on Facebook.  So for those that really believe Prophet has time to send them personal prophecies, interpret their dreams, inquire about their family and personally take their prayer requests...all I can do is #SMH at them.

As Christian we MUST stop being so gullible, so needy and so always wanting to be connected with someone popular or 'famous.' The most famous person who ever walked this earth lives on the inside of you , and yet for some that's just not enough.

So if you just happen to be one of those that were hoodwinked, bamboozled and conned into thinking that you were conversing with the Real Prophet Brian Carn, please heed this piece of advice:
  • Prophet Carn does not send out friend requests to random folks on Facebook.
  • Prophet Carn does not inbox personal prophecies & dream interpretations on Facebook.
  • Prophet Carn is not going to ask you to send money for an orphanage in Africa on Facebook.
  • Prophet Carn is not going to ask you to send him any money on Facebook.
  • Prophet Carn is not going to inbox you on Facebook for any reason at all. 
  • If the REAL Prophet Carn needs to get in touch with YOU.....he or someone from his ministry will CALL you on the phone number that YOU left when you registered on his website at
Now.....if you haven't connected with me on my personal Facebook page, then you probably don't know about my video or blog posts on Fake Brian Carn Pages.  Please click and read the BLOG here and watch the VIDEO here.  If you are serious about ONLY being connected with the REAL Prophet Carn on Facebook, then you will follow the instructions that I've shared on my blog and video.  If you don't then that means you really enjoy being connected with his impostors.

I know to some....I may come off as being insensitive or a bit rough.  Oh is what it is.  Different Strokes for Different Folks. God knows my heart and hopefully you can discern it too.

My prayer for everyone reading this post is that: "God will give you eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to perceive AND receive TRUTH"

Thanks for checking out my blog....I'll see you on my next post.

Peace & Blessings

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Friday, February 5, 2016

Sowing Financially Into The Lives Of Others

Hi Everyone, I felt led to come on and share about sowing or giving into the lives of others.  Many of you see me online posting videos and sharing posts for various Ministry Gifts.  Sometimes I do this as an act of giving or serving that particular ministry; other times it's done as part of the marketing services that I offer as an Internet Marketer.  Regardless, I try to do it all as unto the Lord, with a spirit of excellence and quality.

Recently some of my Facebook friends and Youtube viewers have asked if they could financially sow into my life. More than once someone has said that they wanted to 'bless me' but didn't want to offend me by asking if they could give me a monetary gift.

OFFEND ME? You could never!! Now those that KNOW me,  know that I never turn down money.  I truly believe it is more blessed to GIVE than to receive and especially if I'm the one you want to give to (LOL).  Seriously, there truly is 'no shame in my game'.  I learned DECADES ago how to receive.  All of those years in Charismatic, Word Of Faith churches was not wasted.  If I didn't learn anything else...I learned how to give and how to RECEIVE!!! (#shade LOL)

So if you EVER feel like you want to bless me, sow into my life or give me a gift, please do so TRUST ME....I won't be offended.  You can send all gifts to me via paypal at or even via snail mail at P.O. Box 1642, Buford, GA 30515.  You can also send it to me via my paypal email at

I want to take this opportunity to thank all my friend & followers who have sent me bibles, books, money and other gifts. I really appreciate your kind gestures and your sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  I appreciate you more than you know and I continue to thank God FOR YOU!!!

To all of you connected to me via social media, continue being obedient to ALL that God tells you to do.  Remember the Spirit of Truth will NEVER lead you wrong and the Word Of God will NEVER fail.  It won't return to Him void, but WILL accomplish everything that God has sent it to do. (Isaiah 55:11)

Thanks for checking out my blog and I'll see you in my next post.

Peace & Blessings,

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