Earlier this year, I re-connected with a Man Of God named David E. Taylor. I initially heard about David Taylor in 2012 when he added me as a friend on Facebook. David E. Taylor is a powerful Man Of God, however, a lot of what he teaches will go waaayyy over the heads of most traditionally-minded Christians. This man has actually seen Jehovah God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with his natural eyes! He has visited heaven many times and have had multiple conversations with The Lord Jesus Christ. If you want to learn more about him visit his ministry website at: www.JoshuaMediaMinistries.org
So after re-connecting with him and watching many of his videos on Youtube, I started calling into his weekly 10,000 Army Call. This call takes place every Thursday at 7pm est. The call-in number is 805-399-1000 Code 909178#. On this call, Apostle Taylor spiritually downloads information that this Army of warriors will use to defeat the powers of the enemy in this next move of God.
On a recent call, Apostle Taylor taught on 12 of the Glory Manifestations of the kingdom. These are powers, abilities and dominions that many of us in the 10K Army will operate in during these end-times. Below is a list of the 12 Glory Manifestations shared on the May 28, 2015 call; if you'd like to learn more about these manifestations, listen to the replay of the call at 805-399-1099 Code 909178#. To get straight to the teaching, press the number "6" about 32 times to fast forward to David Taylor's actual teaching.
Please note, this recording will ONLY be available for 1 week after that you may be able to find it on YouTube or you can call the ministry to order a copy of this teaching. The ministry's number is 1.877.THE.GLORY or 1.877.843.4567.
12 Glory Manifestations
(there are others not included here)
(there are others not included here)
- Shakers
- Movers
- Dreamers
- Time Travelers
- Transporters
- Translators
- Multipliers
- Divine Emperors
- Govenors
- Ascenders
- Descenders
- Hyper Jumpers
Hope this information blesses you as much as it has blessed me!
Feel free to connect with me on Facebook and/or Twitter. I'm believing that this information will bless you as much as it has blessed me!
MY FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/ginabarcourt
MY TWITTER: @Gee_Renee
Feel free to connect with me on Facebook and/or Twitter. I'm believing that this information will bless you as much as it has blessed me!
MY FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/ginabarcourt
MY TWITTER: @Gee_Renee