Friday, May 29, 2015

Have You Heard Of These 12 Glory Manifestations...I Hadn't Until NOW!

Earlier this year, I re-connected with a Man Of God named David E. Taylor.  I initially heard about David Taylor in 2012 when he added me as a friend on Facebook.  David E. Taylor is a powerful Man Of God, however, a lot of what he teaches will go waaayyy over the heads of most  traditionally-minded Christians. This man has actually seen Jehovah God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with his natural eyes!  He has visited heaven many times and have had multiple conversations with The Lord Jesus Christ.  If you want to learn more about him visit his ministry website at:

So after re-connecting with him and watching many of his videos on Youtube, I started calling into his weekly 10,000 Army Call. This call takes place every Thursday at 7pm est. The call-in number is 805-399-1000 Code 909178#. On this call,  Apostle Taylor spiritually downloads information that this Army of warriors will use to defeat the powers of the enemy in this next move of God.

On a recent call,  Apostle Taylor taught on 12 of the Glory Manifestations of the kingdom.  These are powers, abilities and dominions that many of us in the 10K Army will operate in during these end-times. Below is a list of the 12 Glory Manifestations shared on the  May 28, 2015 call;  if you'd like to learn more about these manifestations, listen to the replay of the call at 805-399-1099 Code 909178#. To get straight to the teaching, press the number "6" about 32 times  to fast forward to David Taylor's actual teaching.

Please note, this recording will ONLY be available for 1 week after that  you may be able to find it on YouTube or you can call the ministry to order a copy of this teaching. The ministry's number is  1.877.THE.GLORY or 1.877.843.4567.

12 Glory Manifestations
(there are others not included here)

  1. Shakers
  2. Movers
  3. Dreamers
  4. Time Travelers
  5. Transporters
  6. Translators
  7. Multipliers
  8. Divine Emperors
  9. Govenors
  10. Ascenders
  11. Descenders
  12. Hyper Jumpers
Hope this information blesses you as much as it has blessed me!

Feel free to connect with me on Facebook and/or Twitter.  I'm believing that this information will bless you as much as it has blessed me!

MY TWITTER: @Gee_Renee

Monday, May 18, 2015

My Word From The Lord For Today, May 18, 2015

While in prayer this morning I received the following Word From The Lord.  I pray that it will bless and empower you as much as it has me.......

"For I Will give seed to the sower and bread to the giver.  For all that you need will be given to you.  As you continue to sow into the lives of others, I Will grant you the petitions of your heart. Continue delighting in Me and all of your desires will be fulfilled."

                                                                             Says The Spirit Of God

Friday, May 8, 2015

My Word From The Lord For Today, Friday May 8, 2015

Today during my prayer time, I received the following Word From The Lord.   My prayer is that it will bless you as much as it has blessed me.

"Do not forsake spending time in My Presence.  Regardless of what's on your agenda and calendar. I deserve the first of your everything,  for the very air you breathe is because of Me.  Adjust whatever you need to adjust, but don't short change Me.  I want to be your Alpha and your Omega, your Beginning and your End.

Put Me and keep Me as FIRST in your heart.  For I Am a Jealous God.  I want what I want and I want it on My Terms.  If you will seek Me and My Kingdom....First, everything else that you need will be given to you.

Seek Me...Find Me...Trust Me...Serve Me"

                                                                             Says The Spirit Of The Lord

Connect with me at
Follow me on Twitter @Gee_Renee

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My Current Worship Song Unto The Lord "Forever You're My King"


I believe singing worship songs to the Lord is one of 'THEE' ways to experience God's Presence.  I believe as children of God, we should ALL have at least one song that cause our hearts, minds & souls to be broken and contrite before the Lord God.  Doing so will allow us to experience Jesus' intense Love & Presence.

Currently the song "Forever You're My King" is THAT song for me.  Below are 2 videos of me singing this song unto My Lord....They may not be 'musically' perfect, but they are coming from a heart that God is making perfect unto Him. (please pause the blog's music video on the right------>)

"Forever You're My King" was written by James Mitchell.  It has been recorded by everyone from Carlton Pearson, The Hensley Ensemble, Martha Munizzi and The West Angeles COGIC Mass Choir.  This song that has been playing in my heart for more than 4 weeks now.  Whenever, I hear or sing this song it brings tears to my eyes, as I focus all of my attention and thoughts on Him.  As His Beauty is revealed, I am touched by His intense Love & Presence.

My prayer is that as you continue to seek God's Face and pursue His Presence, that you will find that worship song, that you can forever sing unto the Lord.

I want to thank Tim Oladeru (@DappyTKeys) for his piano accompaniment. Check out his youtube channel at:


Sunday, May 3, 2015

My Word From The Lord For Today Sunday, May 3, 2015

Today during my prayer time, I received the following Word From The Lord.  I pray that it will minister to and be a blessing to those 'with eyes to see & ears to hear' what the Spirit of The Lord is saying today

"I am leading you down an unknown and untrodden path.  Don't try and figure it all out (because) you can't.  Stay in My Presence, continue seeking My Face, allow My Word to confirm your steps.

I will never leave you or forsake you.  I will always lead you into all Truth and Wisdom.  Trust Me, Trust My Word, Trust Your Spirit."
                                                                                           Says The Spirit Of The Lord

Connect with me at
Follow me on Twitter @Gee_Renee