Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My Word From The Lord For Today Friday, May 1, 2015

Having a vibrant, effective and productive prayer life is essential to me fulfilling my calling, walking in my purpose and achieving my destiny.  One thing that I've learn is, praying to God is a dialogue and not a monologue.  And if I'm spending an hour or more in God's Presence, seeking His Face, speaking His Word back to Him...then I can expect to hear Him speak to me after I pray.

So 99% of the time after I've finished my prayers: of  Praise & Worship, Thanksgiving, Petition, Intercession and Travail (click here to see how I pray), I will hear a Word From The Lord.  Many times they are personal Words, other times they are Words to be shared with those connected with me.  Below is "Today's Word From The Lord" that I am sharing with you.  My prayer is that it will bless, strengthen and encourage you as you continue to seek God's face and 'work out your own salvation with fear & trembling' Philippians 2:12.
May 1, 2015 - Word From The Lord

"For My Word will not return to Me void, for I will do all I've said.  Rest and assure, I Am yet speaking.  I Am yet moving. I Am in control.  Nothing happens unless I allow it. 

Know that My Will is being manifested in your life today.  Trust and obey for there's no other way to truly be happy, unless you trust and obey.  Trust the process I am taking you through.  Obey My Spirit that is leading and guiding you into all truth"

                                                                                                           Says The Lord

Connect with me at http://facebook.com/ginabarcourt
Follow me on Twitter @Gee_Renee

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Word From The Lord For Today Monday, August 24, 2015

One of my prayer goals for 2015 is to get in the bed earlier.  Prior to August 21, 2015, my goal was to get in the bed no later than 11pm.  But while in prayer on August 21st at 10:35am, I heard the Lord say:

"Get In The Bed By 10:00pm So You Can Get Up And Commune With Me From 3:00-6:00am.  I Will Sustain and Strengthen You Daily With Just 5 Hours Of Sleep.  My Grace Is Sufficient For You."

Well today while confessing & praying through my list of 2015 Prayer Goals, when I got to the goal about going to bed earlier, I heard this Word From The Lord:

"As You Sleep...I Will Speak"

You see I've been reading David E. Taylor's book "Face To Face Appearances From Jesus", and I've been believing the Word Of The Lord that said "Jesus Would Appear To EVERYONE Who Reads This Book."  Now I don't know if he will physically visit me in person or visit me in my dreams, either way, I'm believing for a face to face visitation from the Lord.  I've been translated to heaven twice and have seen Jehovah God, now I want to see Jesus!!

So, if you see me on social media after 10pm Est., feel free to call me out and tell me to GO TO BED!!! :-)

Praying that this post will bless you as much as it has blessed me. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog.

Peace & Blessings

Follow me on Twitter at: @gee_renee
Friend me on Facebook at: Facebook.com/ginabarcourt
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel at: Youtube.com/ginabarcourt

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

My Word From The Lord From Saturday, July 18, 2015

During my prayer time on Saturday, I received the following Word From The Lord. Afterward, I began to ask Father God questions regarding this Word.  I pray that this Word and the transparency of my heart will minister to all who reads this post. 

"You are hearing My Voice...You are on track, stay the course. Don't give up, Don't give in, Don't give out. Your prayers have reached Me and I have answered. You WILL see the manifestation in due season. Do not faint. Be encouraged, Be faithful to that which you know to do. In due season you will reap, if you faint not. Be strong in Me your Lord, Be Strong in the power of My Might. I'll never lead you astray. Follow Me. Obey My Word. Follow My Peace."

                                                                                             Says The Spirit Of God

"Father, when will it be my due season? How much longer do I have to wait to see the manifestation of that which you have spoken to me.  At times I feel so weak, I feel like You are not hearing me and I don't know why I can't see the manifestations of Your words NOW??!!! Father,  I need you to show up and show out SOON.  Your word says you are my Father and would you give me a stone if I ask for a fish, I know you wouldn't.  Father, reveal your fish to me today in Jesus Name I ask. Amen & Amen."                        

Follow me on Twitter at: @gee_renee
Friend me on Facebook at: Facebook.com/ginabarcourt
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel at: Youtube.com/ginabarcourt

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Word From The Lord For Today Tuesday July 7, 2015

This morning while in prayer, I received the following Word From The Lord.  I pray that it will bless you as much as it has blessed me.

"For I am leading and guiding you into unknown territories again.  You must trust My leading even when you can't trace My ways.  For I am leading you into all truth.  Trust the leading of My Spirit like never before.  Stay in My presence, abide in Me and I'll abide with you today and forevermore."

                                                                          Says The Spirit Of God

Follow me on Twitter at: @gee_renee
Friend me on Facebook at: Facebook.com/ginabarcourt
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel at: Youtube.com/ginabarcourt

Thursday, June 11, 2015

My Word From The Lord For Today June 11, 2015

This morning while in prayer, I received this Word From The Lord.  My prayer is that it will encourage & bless you as much as it has me:

"Not only am I the God Of The Breakthrough, but I am The God who will bring to you everything that I've spoken.  For I am not a man, I can not lie, nor am I a son of man, that I need to repent.  I AM TRUTH.  If I said it, I will do it. Trust Me till the end......"

                                                                                            Says The Spirit Of God

Connect w/ me on Facebook: http://facebook.com/ginabarcourt
Follow me on Twitter: @gee_renee
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel http://youtube.com/ginabarcourt

Friday, May 29, 2015

Have You Heard Of These 12 Glory Manifestations...I Hadn't Until NOW!

Earlier this year, I re-connected with a Man Of God named David E. Taylor.  I initially heard about David Taylor in 2012 when he added me as a friend on Facebook.  David E. Taylor is a powerful Man Of God, however, a lot of what he teaches will go waaayyy over the heads of most  traditionally-minded Christians. This man has actually seen Jehovah God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with his natural eyes!  He has visited heaven many times and have had multiple conversations with The Lord Jesus Christ.  If you want to learn more about him visit his ministry website at: www.JoshuaMediaMinistries.org

So after re-connecting with him and watching many of his videos on Youtube, I started calling into his weekly 10,000 Army Call. This call takes place every Thursday at 7pm est. The call-in number is 805-399-1000 Code 909178#. On this call,  Apostle Taylor spiritually downloads information that this Army of warriors will use to defeat the powers of the enemy in this next move of God.

On a recent call,  Apostle Taylor taught on 12 of the Glory Manifestations of the kingdom.  These are powers, abilities and dominions that many of us in the 10K Army will operate in during these end-times. Below is a list of the 12 Glory Manifestations shared on the  May 28, 2015 call;  if you'd like to learn more about these manifestations, listen to the replay of the call at 805-399-1099 Code 909178#. To get straight to the teaching, press the number "6" about 32 times  to fast forward to David Taylor's actual teaching.

Please note, this recording will ONLY be available for 1 week after that  you may be able to find it on YouTube or you can call the ministry to order a copy of this teaching. The ministry's number is  1.877.THE.GLORY or 1.877.843.4567.

12 Glory Manifestations
(there are others not included here)

  1. Shakers
  2. Movers
  3. Dreamers
  4. Time Travelers
  5. Transporters
  6. Translators
  7. Multipliers
  8. Divine Emperors
  9. Govenors
  10. Ascenders
  11. Descenders
  12. Hyper Jumpers
Hope this information blesses you as much as it has blessed me!

Feel free to connect with me on Facebook and/or Twitter.  I'm believing that this information will bless you as much as it has blessed me!

MY FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/ginabarcourt
MY TWITTER: @Gee_Renee

Monday, May 18, 2015

My Word From The Lord For Today, May 18, 2015

While in prayer this morning I received the following Word From The Lord.  I pray that it will bless and empower you as much as it has me.......

"For I Will give seed to the sower and bread to the giver.  For all that you need will be given to you.  As you continue to sow into the lives of others, I Will grant you the petitions of your heart. Continue delighting in Me and all of your desires will be fulfilled."

                                                                             Says The Spirit Of God

Friday, May 8, 2015

My Word From The Lord For Today, Friday May 8, 2015

Today during my prayer time, I received the following Word From The Lord.   My prayer is that it will bless you as much as it has blessed me.

"Do not forsake spending time in My Presence.  Regardless of what's on your agenda and calendar. I deserve the first of your everything,  for the very air you breathe is because of Me.  Adjust whatever you need to adjust, but don't short change Me.  I want to be your Alpha and your Omega, your Beginning and your End.

Put Me and keep Me as FIRST in your heart.  For I Am a Jealous God.  I want what I want and I want it on My Terms.  If you will seek Me and My Kingdom....First, everything else that you need will be given to you.

Seek Me...Find Me...Trust Me...Serve Me"

                                                                             Says The Spirit Of The Lord

Connect with me at http://facebook.com/ginabarcourt
Follow me on Twitter @Gee_Renee

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My Current Worship Song Unto The Lord "Forever You're My King"


I believe singing worship songs to the Lord is one of 'THEE' ways to experience God's Presence.  I believe as children of God, we should ALL have at least one song that cause our hearts, minds & souls to be broken and contrite before the Lord God.  Doing so will allow us to experience Jesus' intense Love & Presence.

Currently the song "Forever You're My King" is THAT song for me.  Below are 2 videos of me singing this song unto My Lord....They may not be 'musically' perfect, but they are coming from a heart that God is making perfect unto Him. (please pause the blog's music video on the right------>)

"Forever You're My King" was written by James Mitchell.  It has been recorded by everyone from Carlton Pearson, The Hensley Ensemble, Martha Munizzi and The West Angeles COGIC Mass Choir.  This song that has been playing in my heart for more than 4 weeks now.  Whenever, I hear or sing this song it brings tears to my eyes, as I focus all of my attention and thoughts on Him.  As His Beauty is revealed, I am touched by His intense Love & Presence.

My prayer is that as you continue to seek God's Face and pursue His Presence, that you will find that worship song, that you can forever sing unto the Lord.

I want to thank Tim Oladeru (@DappyTKeys) for his piano accompaniment. Check out his youtube channel at:  https://www.youtube.com/user/DappyTKeys

FRIEND ME ON FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/ginabarcourt

Sunday, May 3, 2015

My Word From The Lord For Today Sunday, May 3, 2015

Today during my prayer time, I received the following Word From The Lord.  I pray that it will minister to and be a blessing to those 'with eyes to see & ears to hear' what the Spirit of The Lord is saying today

"I am leading you down an unknown and untrodden path.  Don't try and figure it all out (because) you can't.  Stay in My Presence, continue seeking My Face, allow My Word to confirm your steps.

I will never leave you or forsake you.  I will always lead you into all Truth and Wisdom.  Trust Me, Trust My Word, Trust Your Spirit."
                                                                                           Says The Spirit Of The Lord

Connect with me at http://facebook.com/ginabarcourt
Follow me on Twitter @Gee_Renee

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

This Is Why Many Christians DON'T Pray For At Least 1 Hour A Day


(please pause the blog's music video on the right------>)

Do you get bored, sleepy or distracted in prayer?  Do you find it difficult to focus and really "press into God" during your daily prayer time?  Well, if you do, don't feel bad, you're not alone.  At least 90% of the Born-Again Christians I know would say, praying for at least 1 hour a day is one of the biggest challenges of their Christian walk.

This video will show you how you can learn to pray for 1 hour straight each and every day.  I have been using the techniques in this video for years, and they have really helped to strengthen my prayer life.  I have learned how to tap a realm in God where, I am able to clearly hear His Voice.  I am able to engage in intercession, spiritual warfare, travail and birthing.

After watching this video check out my video entitled  I Pray Daily For 1 Hour Straight w/ Prophet Brian Carn's Prayer Video See How You Can Too.  In that video you'll get a chance to witness one of my actual prayer sessions.  You will see an actual demonstration of me praying. You will see all the steps I go through in prayer, beginning with praise and worship, to intercession, travail and ending with prayers of thanksgiving.

In the video,  I mention a Prophet Brian Carn's Prayer Video,  click HERE to listen to the audio from that video.  It's an awesome prayer tool.  Listening to it during your prayer time, will help you to focused so you can tap a realm in God where He can reveal His secrets, plans and purpose for your life!

Feel free to connect with me on Facebook and/or Twitter.  I'm believing that this information will bless you as much as it has blessed me!

MY FACEBOOK: http://facebook.ginabarcourt
MY TWITTER: @Gee_Renee

Monday, April 20, 2015

See How I Pray For 1 Hour Daily And How You Can Too

(please pause the blog's music video on the right------>)

As Christians, we know that we should pray or commune with Father God daily, but many have a hard time staying focused in prayer for 1 hour or more.  If you haven't done so, please watch Part 1 of this video HERE. In it I discuss how I am able to pray focused and sustainable prayers for 1+ hours each and every day. I explain how I use the 60 Minute Brian Carn Prayer Video (see link below), to help keep me focused while praying.

In this video,  you will see how I begin with prayers of praise & worship, how I pray for my loved ones, friends and even YOU.  You will see me pray prayers of intercession, travail and warfare. After spending this quality prayer time with the Lord, I always receive a 'right now' Word from the Lord for myself or those connected with me.  I sometimes share those words on my personal Facebook & Twitter pages.

I pray that this video will motivate, inspire and provoke you to spend quality time seeking the Face Of God.  God has a 'right now Word' for you.  He has secrets & mysteries that He wants to reveal to you, but you must spend quality time in your 'secret place', in His Presence, in order to receive them.

May this video bless you as much as it has blessed me!!  Feel free to connect with me on Facebook and/or Twitter.


My FACEBOOK: http://facebook.ginabarcourt
MY TWITTER: @Gee_Renee

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Can You Believe An Apostle Bishop Prophet Periscope Pastor Would Respond Like THIS?

Hey family, friends & followers.... I wanted to share with you all, what happened to me back during the 1st week of February 2016.  As most of you know I am a professional Internet Marketer.  I earn money promoting/marketing various services, products, ministries and people online.

Well a week prior to the incident I'm going to share below, a FB friend of mine suggested that I check out this new periscope preacher.  She felt that he was reputable since Apostle John Eckhardt (the King of Periscope :-) recommended & shared this preacher's broadcast with his followers.  So I started watching this preacher's scopes and was very impressed with what I saw.  He appeared to be anointed and had sound knowledge of the Bible.  As I listened to him, I realized that I knew this preacher.  Although he had been off of the 'Christian Preaching Circuit' for a number of years, I definitely remembered seeing him on TBN, The Word Network and in Charisma Magazine in the 80's and 90's.

Now as a Christian Marketer, I am always willing to promote Men and Women of God who are imparting Godly wisdom and truth.  So because I was blessed by this preacher's periscopes, I started uploading them to youtube.  As a matter of fact I reached out to this preacher via email and asked if he was okay with me uploading his teachings. (see the email below)

(to enlarge any of the pictures in this post just double click on them)

So after I started uploading his videos to youtube and sharing them on various social media platforms, I started following this preacher on Facebook and Twitter.  I actually started interacting with him on facebook. These interactions were all based on his periscope broadcasts.

Let me interject this here, this preacher was well-known in the 80's &90's and for some reason he dropped off the 'church-scene' for over 9 years and resurfaced around 2013.   According to him, he is now divorced from his wife of 20+ years and no longer pastors a church. His only following and primary source of income is his 'Floating Periscope Church' , which started about 6-8 weeks ago.

So because I am an Internet Marketer and am interested in helping ministers get promoted online, I attempted to help this preacher by sharing some knowledge with him regarding social media. Since it was obviously to me, he
 didn't know exactly how periscope or free conference calling worked.

On either February 1st or 2nd, he decided to have a conference call, the call maxed out and many of us were unable to get on the call.  Below is the interaction that another young lady, the bishop and I had on his Facebook page regarding this call. (note: I edited out this preacher's profile picture and his name)

On  February 3rd this preacher did a periscope and on this scope he was excessively asking his viewers for hearts, to say "Amen" and to donate to his 'ministry'.  Well later that day I was interacting once again on this preacher's  Facebook, and during that interaction I stated my personal opinion about scopers who ask for hearts during their broadcasts. (see the above picture)  Well why did I post my personal opinion on his public Facebook page?  Apparently he did not agree with my opinion and below is how he chose to respond: 

So now this preacher is obviously offended. He's mad that I have an opinion and am not afraid to voice it. So instead of him contacting me privately, he decided to post the following on his Facebook page, in an attempt to make it seem like he tried to communicate with me privately and I refused to speak with him:

After this interaction, I realized that this preacher had blocked me from his periscope.  Because he is not knowledgeable about HOW periscope worked, he had no idea that I could still watch his broadcast even though he blocked me.  So I sent him the following message in his private Inbox on Facebook:

So now this preacher is MAD....(I should have told him to put on a cape so he could become SUPER-MAD), but I digress. LOL!!

Any way, he NEVER responded to me privately, neither on Facebook or email. So now he wants to play 'semantics' and perpetrate to his Facebook followers like I threatened him or something.

Unfortunately some in ministry, especially those who may be considered 'has-beens' or have experienced 'church-hurt' or just have their own inferiority complexes/issues....feel like they have to prove that they are deep or super-spiritual, by trying to 'one-up' or put down others.

So instead of this preacher, contacting me privately, he chose to post the following  on his Facebook page after receiving the above inbox message from me:

After reading his replies and seeing just how manipulative this preacher is,  I decided that I was done with this Dr Bishop Apostle Prophet Periscope Pastor. It was obvious that he didn't have a problem with lying and being deceptive.  Listen to the beginning of the periscope that he did AFTER he wrote all of the above posts on his Facebook page.  Remember, I was the one who told him how periscope hearts actually worked:

After hearing his periscope and reading his replies, I knew I was DONE with this individual.  There was no way that I was going to continue any type of dialogue with someone as duplicitous as he. So below is the final post that I left on his Facebook page, it was in reply to his previous post:

After this preacher read that I had copies of EVERYTHING that was posted and had copies of the Periscope video....HE DELETED ALL OF THE ABOVE POSTS.  If you go to his page and click on VISITOR POSTS on the left, you may still see the post in Picture #2 above, but all of the others have been deleted.

I purposely didn't include this preacher's name and picture;  based on the things that he has shared on his periscope, I wouldn't put it pass him to try and sue me for defamation if I included his Public Profile Picture and name.  I refuse to give the devil any more place than this good bishop already has.

I would encourage all of you to be extremely careful about who you listen to and allow to speak into your life via social media.  Most of the ministers on periscope are doing so with great intentions, but you do have some who are nothing more than wolves in sheep clothes.  They don't have a church, or a following, no accountability and are pimping the people of God spiritually, emotionally and financially...BEWARE.

If you do know who this Dr. Apostle Bishop Prophet Periscope Pastor preacher is.....you've been forewarned. Be wise as a serpent, should you choose to enter into the wolf's den.

Feel Free To Leave Your Comments On This Blog Post Below........

Peace & Blessings,


Follow me on Twitter at:http://twitter.com/gee_renee
Friend me on Facebook at: http://facebook.com/ginabarcourt
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel at: http://youtube.com/ginabarcourt